Class Information & Policies

On this page we will break down our attire, our class levels and types along with our different policies.
Our Levels
And Their Attire
Kinderdance is an introductory dance class for ages 2-4 to get them used to instruction and moving their bodies. The attire for Kinderdance is pink leotard, pink tights, pink ballet shoes, and hair pulled out of the dancers face as best as possible either with a headband, in a ponytail, or in a bun. Boys wear black tighter athletic pants/shorts, or tights and a white t-shirt with black shoes.
Level I
Level I classes are for dancers that are a little older (Kindergarten-2nd Grade) and just starting or have previously been in our Pre Ballet / Tap or Kinderdance classes. The attire for Ballet I is black leotard, pink tights, and pink ballet shoes with hair pulled back into a bun if possible. For Jazz I dancers should wear black leotard, pink tights, and black jazz shoes, with hair pulled back in a ponytail or bun if possible. For Tap I dancers attire is a black leotard, pink tights, and black tap shoes, with hair pulled back into a ponytail or bun if possible. Boys wear black tighter athletic pants/shorts, or tights and a white t-shirt with black shoes.
Level III
Level III classes are for dancers that are roughly in 3rd-4th Grade and just starting or have previously been in our Level II classes. The attire for Ballet III is black leotard, pink tights, and pink ballet shoes with hair pulled back into a bun if possible. For Jazz III dancers should wear black leotard, pink tights, and black jazz shoes, with hair pulled back in a ponytail or bun if possible. For Tap III dancers attire is a black leotard, pink tights, and black tap shoes, with hair pulled back into a ponytail or bun if possible. Boys wear black tighter athletic pants/shorts, or tights and a white t-shirt with black shoes.
Level V
For Jazz and Tap classes Level V is typically the top level. These kids have plenty of experience in these types of dance and are usually older. The attire for Jazz V and Tap V is either black leotard, pink tights, and black jazz or tap shoes with dance skirts or shorts allowed or tight fitting athletic clothes that do not expose midsection with hair pulled back in a ponytail or bun if possible. Boys wear black tighter athletic pants/shorts, or tights and a white t-shirt with black shoes.
Pre Advanced
Pre Advanced Ballet is our second to most experienced dance level. Dancers have been in ballet classes for many years and are in middle school or above. Attire includes leotard, pink tights, and pink ballet flats or pointe shoes. Dance skirts and shorts are permitted. Hair should be pulled back into a bun if possible. Boys wear black tighter athletic pants/shorts, or tights and a white t-shirt with black shoes.
Any class that states it is our advanced level is our highest level of class for that type of dance. The ballet attire should be a leotard, pink tights, pink ballet flats or pointe shoes. Ballet skirts or shorts are permitted. Hair should be pulled back into a bun if possible. See Level V to see about Jazz and Tap requirements. Boys wear black tighter athletic pants/shorts, or tights and a white t-shirt with black shoes.
Hip Hop
Hip Hop classes are a more street style movement typically to hip hop music. Attire for hip hop is most importantly a clean pair of sneakers you wear only to dance class, along with tighter fit athletic clothes that do not expose the midsection.
Pre Ballet / Tap
Pre Ballet / Tap is the start to dance instructions. Dancers will learn the basics and fundamentals of ballet for the first half of the class and the second half will be about the basics and fundamentals of tap dancing. Attire for Pre Ballet / Tap class is pink leotard, pink tights, pink ballet shoes, black tap shoes, and hair pulled out of the dancers face as best as possible either with a headband, in a ponytail, or in a bun. Boys wear black tighter athletic pants/shorts, or tights and a white t-shirt with black shoes.
Level II
Level II classes are for dancers that are roughly in 2nd-3rd Grade and have previously been in our Level I classes. The attire for Ballet II is black leotard, pink tights, and pink ballet shoes with hair pulled back into a bun if possible. For Jazz II dancers should wear black leotard, pink tights, and black jazz shoes, with hair pulled back in a ponytail or bun if possible. For Tap II dancers attire is a black leotard, pink tights, and black tap shoes, with hair pulled back into a ponytail or bun if possible. Boys wear black tighter athletic pants/shorts, or tights and a white t-shirt with black shoes.
Level IV
Level IV classes are for dancers that have previously been in our Level III classes. Ballet levels split off here to a combined level we call Ballet III / Prepointe. The attire for Ballet III / Prepointe is a leotard, pink tights, and pink ballet shoes. Ballet skirts and shorts are allowed with hair pulled back into a bun if possible. For Jazz IV dancers should wear either black leotard, pink tights, and black jazz shoes with dance skirts or shorts permitted or tight fitting athletic clothes that do not expose midsection with hair pulled back in a ponytail or bun if possible. Tap IV dancers should wear either black leotard, pink tights, and black tap shoes with dance skirts or shorts permitted or tight fitting athletic clothes that do not expose midsection with hair pulled back in a ponytail or bun if possible. Boys wear black tighter athletic pants/shorts, or tights and a white t-shirt with black shoes.
Prepointe & Pointe
Prepointe is all about getting a ballet dancer ready for Prepointe and Pointe shoes later on. In Pointe I dancers may be permitted to get a pair of Prepointe shoes to help ready themselves for Pointe work. Pointe II is the level in which many dancers get a pair of Pointe shoes and has their first year working with them. Pointe III typically is a dancers second full year en pointe. Attire for all four levels are a leotard, pink tights, pink ballet / prepointe / pointe shoes. Dance skirts and shorts are permitted. Hair should be pulled back into a bun if possible. There are age restrictions and teacher approvals which must be met before prepointe and pointe shoes may be permitted to a dancers. Boys wear black tighter athletic pants/shorts, or tights and a white t-shirt with black shoes.
Lyrical is a type of dance that is most similar to ballet but is more emotional and free flowing. It is more like story telling. The attire for lyrical class is a leotard, pink tights, and some sort of shoe to teachers discretion. Some types we use here are turners, ballet flats, jazz shoes, or lyrical socks. Boys wear black tighter athletic pants/shorts, or tights and a white t-shirt with black shoes.
Contemporary dance is style of dance that is more modern in movement that usually tells a story. Some contemporary dances can have acrobatic skills involved. Attire involved is tighter fit athletic clothes that do not expose the midsection and typically involves wearing specialty socks, turners, or bare feet to teachers discretion.
Weather Policy:
In the morning we go by what the FHPS schools say, if the schools are closed due to inclement weather then so are we. If weather and/or road conditions improve by 2:00 pm then we will open for the afternoon/evening session. Also if inclement weather begins during our class scheduled times we may close early to send students home for safety purposes. Tune in to WoodTV 8 for updates along with our emails and social media.
Covid Policy:
If you feel sick and are uncertain if it is Covid please wait until you get test results. If you test positive please contact the studio to let us know. Our current procedure is that you must isolate at home for at least 5 days, then if your symptoms are improving, and if you had a fever that you have gone at least 24 hours without fever reducing medication, on days 6-10 you are free to go out around people as long as you wear a mask. Again only if symptoms are improving then past day 10 you are free to return to your normal schedule.